The Royal Decrees

We take our responsibility to our customers very seriously, and here’s how we hold ourselves accountable to you.
1-year parts & labor
While parts and materials traditionally come with a 1-year parts-only warranty against defects, Royal Plumbing believes that you shouldn’t have to worry about what things will cost if they fail. That’s why we will provide you with a comprehensive 1-year parts AND labor warranty on any parts or materials we supply.
2-year parts & labor
Our happiest customers subscribe to our Castle Club membership, and we really love happy customers. As a club reward, we provide a comprehensive 2-year parts AND labor warranty on any parts or materials we supply, at no additional charge.
Ask us how Castle Club members receive 10% off all repairs or replacements.
5-year parts & labor
Fixtures like faucets, showerheads, and toilets get a real workout. Choosing the right ones makes a difference and we are experts at supplying fixtures that we know from years of experience that work the best and outlast the rest. At Royal Plumbing we provide a comprehensive 5-year part AND labor warranty on any fixtures we supply.
6-year parts & labor
The best water heaters and tankless water heaters come with a 6-year parts warranty against manufacturer defects when installed by a Licensed Plumber in the state of Texas. With Royal Plumbing we provide a comprehensive 6-year part AND labor warranty on any water heating system we supply and install.
Fixed or Free
Every once in a while we come across a real head-scratcher of a problem. If we can’t crack that nut, you won’t pay. What happens when your gremlin creeps back in and starts causing problems after we thought we had it fixed? We’ll come back out for free to get it fixed or give you your money back to find someone who can. Since we’re not in the business of working for free, you can rest assured we want to get it done right the first time, though. That’s why we invest so much in training and development for our expert Licensed Plumbers.
Lemons Are For Lemonade
When you’ve been digging a trench all day, in a tight crawl space, or upside down and backward, there’s nothing better than an ice-cold lemonade. That’s the only lemon we want to see in your house though. So if you end up with a lemon from one of our parts, you can be sure that we will get it replaced with a brand new one, for free. What makes a lemon? If we need to come to fix the same issue (or related issue) on the same part twice, on the third visit with the same issue, a new one will be going in for you. If it’s not clear what the problem is, the right thing to do is replace it for you.
It’s Our Job To Know
Why should you have to pay if we get something wrong? You shouldn’t. It’s our job as expert Licensed Plumbers to get it right the first time. That means you aren’t going to be left wondering how much this is all going to cost halfway through a project, big or small. When we give you a price, you can be certain that you won’t pay a penny more than what was presented to earn the business. We may, however, ask you to pay less. Sometimes, when we open things up, expecting the worst-case scenario, it ends up being a lot less of an issue. In these cases, we promise to charge you only what is necessary to do the job right.
Keep It Clean Guarantee
As a service provider, it is not lost on us that we are a guest in your home. We really appreciate you letting us into your castle to keep your water systems in tip-top shape. The very least we can do is respect your home, keep things clean, and clean up after ourselves. If you find we’ve been less than careful with your home, simply let us know and we will rectify the situation right away with you. What does that mean? It means if we damage something, we will fix or replace it. If we dirty something we will clean it. We are grateful for the opportunity to do work for you in your personal space and we want to respect that.